1. Contents of the EHCP sections B and F appeal
This type of appeal involves challenging the contents of the EHCP. You may disagree about the specified special educational needs, the provision, or the outcomes and goals outlined in the plan. In this appeal, you would seek amendments and revisions to ensure that the plan accurately reflects your child's needs and provides suitable provision to meet their outcomes.
2. Educational Placement Section I appeal
If you disagree with the school specified in section I of the EHCP, you can appeal this decision. This could be due to concerns about the suitability of the school named for meeting your child's needs or a preference for a different type of educational setting.
3. Refusal to assess or issue an EHCP
If the local authority has refused to conduct a needs assessment for your child or has declined to issue an EHCP following a needs assessment, you can appeal this decision. This type of appeal challenges the local authority's decision not to assess your child's special educational needs or issue an EHCP.
4. Refusal to Amend
An annual review involves reviewing a child/young person's outcomes and provisions. Sometimes, this process may include disagreements regarding the child's progress and the provision of support, and you may want changes to be made to the plan; however, the LA feel that this is unnecessary. This will lead back to a content appeal
5. Cease to maintain EHCP appeal
This means that the Local Authority no longer consider the child or young person to have special educational needs that require an EHCP.
If you are considering an EHCP appeal, EHCP 4 Kids can help. We have different packages available depending on the level of support you require.